In this example, I will explain how to create the custom chart using List Box. I have selected March month, and the number for March month is 3 and VLOOKUP showing the value for number 3 from the table. Please select any of the months it will show you the salary data for that month. Step 4: Right now, it is showing an error as #N/A. Step 3: Apply the VLOOKUP formula in cell H3 to get the salary data from the list. Step 1: Draw a List Box from the developer tab and create a list of months. Based on the selection made from the list, it has to show the value for the selected month. Now we will look at the way of using List Box in excel.Īssume you have salary data month-wise from A2 to A13. Example #1 – List Box with Vlookup Formula Let’s look at a few examples of using Lise Box in Excel. Similarly, if you select April, it will show 4 in cell B1. Once the first value has selected the cell B1 will show 1.
In the cell link, give a link to cell B1. Step 4: Once you have selected Format Control, it will open the below dialog box go to the Control tab in the input range select the month lists from A1 to A10. Step 3: Create a month list in column A from A1 to A12.